CE: The Science of…Amphibians
Too often do reptiles and amphibians get put together collaboratively, the truth is these two groups of animals have not shared a common ancestor for nearly 300 million years! Humans are more related to frogs, than frogs are to reptiles. In this episode of the Science of we will explore the science behind amphibians. Come find out things like how their skin can absorb water, what amphibians are in Nebraska where you can find them, and what is causing many of our amphibians in Nebraska, and the world to disappear. Join us and find out!
This event is FREE, but requires pre-registration: Below
After registering, you will receive a conformation email with more information for the event. Then, on the day and time of the event, use the link provided in the confirmation email and password to join us.
Unable to attend a live event? Each virtual webinar will be recorded and posted to the Nebraska Game and Parks YouTube Education Channel, here you can watch past recording of the Science of as well!
Please contact: Monica.macoubrie@nebraska.gov with questions or for more information.