CE: Aligning Practice with Development Needs in Environmental Education

Aligning Practice with Development Needs in Environmental Education
July 20, 2022 | 12:30pm – 1:30pm (Central Time)
Environmental education is used to teach students about ecological topics ranging from food webs to endangered species. How might these topics be taught differently along different age groups? In this webinar, we’ll learn how scaffolding is used to adapt the content, goals, and methods in environmental education along the spectrum of age, from birth through high school students. We’ll also discuss how understanding how to apply different educational methods for different age groups can help us better meet our agency’s mission of promoting stewardship within our constituents.
Presenter: Amber Schiltz, Nebraska Game & Parks Commission
Conservation Education Virtual Lunch & Learn Series
Education is an essential part of conservation. Understanding how people learn and what motivates conservation-based behavior changes are complex subjects that span across many scientific disciplines. This free virtual series dives into the science behind educational efforts and practices by learning from experts on a variety of science and educational topics. For questions about the series, contact Amber Schiltz, Wildlife Education Program Manager at amber.schiltz@nebraska.gov. For more information or to register for additional upcoming webinars in the series, please see attached flyer.
July 20 – Aligning Practice with Development Needs in Environmental Education
August 10 – Nature & Human Well-being: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
September 7 – Climate Services & Perceptions Across Nebraska
October 19 – What Community Science Taught Me, Panel Discussion
November 9 – Cultural & Historical Interpretation Panel Discussion
December 14 – Science Communication 101