CE: Science of...Raptors

As much as I wish we could spend a whole Science of Episode discussing the coolest animal within the Jurassic Park movies, we will actually be talking about the other raptors- the birds of prey. Technically in the scientific world the term “bird of prey” describes any bird that preys on other animals- so this includes penguins and storks. So, since this is confusing and now I have totally changed your opinion on penguins, we will be using the word “raptor”. Raptors have amazing adaptations that help them survive they could be everything from a tiny kestrel, to the extremely powerful Golden Eagle. Join us and learn everything you wanted to know about this unique group of birds.
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Unable to attend a live event? Each virtual webinar will be recorded and posted to the Nebraska Game and Parks YouTube Education Channel, here you can watch past recordings of the Science of as well!
Please contact monica.macoubrie@nebraska.gov for more information or questions. You can also check out the events on the Nebraska Game and Parks Outdoor Calendar and the Wildlife Education Facebook page.