CE: Bumble Bee Atlas Training

This 1.5-hour workshop will prepare community scientists and agency biologists to participate in the Missouri Bumble Bee Atlas and Nebraska Bumble Bee Atlas projects in 2023. This webinar is intended for both new and returning participants, as we intend to share new survey priority zones that differ from the traditional grid system. Building off of the success and information gathered since 2019, we will focus our survey efforts on searching for Species of Greatest Conservation Need—those at-risk of extinction. More to come in the webinar! In this training, we will provide clear guidance on how to participate in the Atlas, including how to conduct your own survey, the supplies you’ll need, and how to submit data. We will also cover identification of the common bumble bees and flowering plants you'll encounter in the field. This webinar will serve as the last of our two-part training series. If you are new to the Atlas, please watch part one of the training series before attending: "Ecology and Conservation of Bumble Bees" available on Xerces Society's YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9dS0AsDSt8&t=6s). This workshop is a collaboration between Missouri Department of Conservation, University of Missouri, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, and The Xerces Society with support from the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program