VO: Hikes leaders @ Glacier Creek Preserve
I am looking for 1-2 persons to assist with group guided hikes at Glacier Creek Preserve. I will be leading the walking-talking hikes but I need a someone to be at the end of the group to make sure no one falls behind. It would also be helpful to have someone in the middle of the group, just in case we get a high number of participants.
I am not sure how many people will show up to these events, it could be 2, 20 or 50, so I want to be prepared for large groups. I also want to make sure that if we have some very slow hikers, that they'll have someone with them so the rest of us can forge ahead.
Hikes are March 18, May 20, and June 20, 2023, at Glacier Creek Preserve, times vary.
Contact Tracy Coleman if you are interested in assisting or have questions.