CE: An Evening with Charles C. Mann: The Wizard and the Prophet
In his newest book, Charles Mann (author of best-seller 1491) recounts the lives of two 20th-century American figures—Norman Borlaug, an agronomist in the Midwest, and William Vogt, an ecologist and ornithologist in the Northeast. The two held conflicting views on how to help the Earth. Using their biographies as a starting point, Mann explores various schools of thought in the early environmental movement as he tries to answer two questions: If all species are biologically driven to expand their populations and territory, can we expect Homo sapiens to be different? And if so, how?
The event will include remarks by Dr. Hannah Birgé, TNC’s Water and Agriculture Program Manager. It is free and open to the public.
Email jwells@tnc.org with questions and to obtain a parking pass
Overflow parking is available across the street at the First Christian Church lot (on the north side of Dodge).