VO: NEWF Seeks NMN's to teach a simple Science Activity
Nebraska Wildlife Federation is interested in collaborating with Nebraska
Master Naturalists for our upcoming NET Spring LIVE events. Our events
will take place in Lincoln on April 26 and 27, 2019.
The event on the 26th will take place at Nebraska Statewide Arboretum’s
Spring Affair dinner (6-9 pm) at the Lancaster Event Center. The event on
the 27th will take place at Lincoln Earth Day at the Union Plaza on 21st
and P Streets (10-3 pm). You can sign up for one location. One, two, or
three-hour shifts are available.
Volunteers will be stationed at the NEWF booths at the events, will
explain the activities and sign adults and children up to observe
pollinators and/or milkweed and then upload their data. Prior to the
events, volunteers need to attend a 30-min training. Date and time TBD.
Please respond by Monday, February 25 if interested.
Contact Carolyn Butler at carolyn@nebraskawildlife.org or personal cell
402-219-3066 for more info or to sign up!