CE: Great Prairie Chicken and Sandhills Tour

Friday-Sunday, April 26-28 | $550/person (double)
Single room options may be available at an additional $100.
Meet on the south side of Auld Pavilion, 1650 Memorial Drive (02)
Experience the booming and dancing of the greater prairie chicken and sharp-tailed grouse during lek tours on the Switzer Ranch through Calamus Outfitters.
This multi-day excursion includes transportation, two nights of lodging, dinner Friday thru breakfast on Sunday, early morning guided lek tours on Saturday and Sunday mornings, eco-tour of the Switzer Ranch, and birding and wildlife viewing at the Calamus reservoir.
Known for their mating dance, the greater prairie chickens display together in a gathering called a lek. The male prairie chickens raise their ear tuft feathers, inflate the bright orange air sacks on their neck, and stomp about in order to attract the females. Similarly the sharp-tailed grouse will display or dance to attract female grouse to their dancing grounds as well.
Greater prairie chickens are a vulnerable species. Prairie habitat fragmentation and loss have been a factor in the reduction of numbers. Today, the populations of greater prairie chicken are isolated to the mixed grass prairies of the central United States. Preservation and restoration of prairie habitat have been successful at stabilizing population numbers.
$250 deposit is due by January 11, 2019 and includes non-refundable $50 fee. The remaining balance is due by March 1, 2019. The deposit minus the registration fee is refundable until January 11, 2019. The paid balance minus the deposit is refundable until March 1, 2019.