CE: Wildlands Day
Take part in several great activities going on throughout this day-long celebration! Join us for a bird hike, wildflower walk, kids crafts and much more!
All day- Michael Forsberg Great Plains Exhibition on display
9:00am-9:30am-Interpretive display dedication: Stream table ribbon cutting
9:00am-Noon- Name that turtle! Help us pick a name for our new interpretive animal, the Blanding’s turtle!
9:30am-Noon- Kids crafts, activities and hikes. Discovery the Wildcat Hills through fun crafts, activities and hikes throughout the morning. All programs will be FREE!
10:00am- Feathered Friends Bird Hike: NET Spring LIVE and Nebraska Birding Month event
11:00am- Wildcat Hills Geology: presented by Jesse Korus, UNL Geologist/Hydrogeologist
Park permits are not required for this event!