VO: Kimmel Orchard Bioblitz
July 20th is a go for the Kimmel Orchard Bioblitz. Here are the basic details - do you think you might have any Master Naturalists that could help out? They can contact me directly with questions.
What: BioBlitz: we are asking individuals to plan on a 30 minute (60 minutes tops) walk / talk / presentation with the public and then to spend the rest of the time cataloging / photographing species for the bioblitz.
Where: Kimmel Orchard and Vineyard, 5995 G Rd, Nebraska City, NE 68410
When: Saturday, July 20, 2019, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Kind regards,
Louise I. Lynch-O'Brien
Assistant Professor of Insect Biology &
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Department of Entomology
ENTO 109E, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816
Call/text: 402-327-1574