CE: Nebraska Bumble Bee Atlas training
Please join us in a collaborative effort to track and conserve the bumble bees of Nebraska through this hands-on training.
Learn about bumble bees, their conservation status, and how to participate in the Nebraska Bumble Bee Atlas during this full-day training. In recent years, the story of vanishing bees has become a common theme in news reports and popular culture. In most cases, these reports have focused on the disappearance of honey bees, a non-native species introduced to North America from Europe. The larger, often underappreciated story is that while honey bees are a popular and important species, native bees are also suffering, and in some cases, their fates are far worse. This is particularly true of some of North America’s native bumble bees.
Nebraska is home to nearly 20 species of bumble bees that play an important role in sustaining the health of our environment by pollinating flowers in natural, urban and agricultural settings. However, many of them face an uncertain future, and Nebraska Game and Parks has identified four of the state’s bumble bees as Species of Greatest Conservation Need. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Xerces Society have collaborated to launch a community science project that will help track and conserve Nebraska’s native bumble bees.
Please join this project and help collect critical information on the status of Nebraska’s bumble bees. With your help, we can create an army of trained volunteers equipped with cameras and vials, and collect bumble bee data throughout the state. Your participation will allow us to quickly and efficiently cover the state, collect scientific quality data, and contribute to the local, regional, and global understanding of bumble bee distributions.
You Must Register if you plan on attending. Register Here: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=tnjebhdab&oeidk=a07egfhw15mcd5da701