CE: Project Wild Trainer Workshop
From our friend Monica Macoubrie at Nebraska Game and Parks
I wanted to make you all aware of an opportunity coming up to become trained as a workshop facilitator for Project Learning Tree, Project WET, Project WILD & Project Aquatic WILD. This two-day FREE workshop will take place at Rowe Sanctuary on October 3 & 4, 2019.
This workshop is aimed at informal and formal educators who are already trained in these curriculum guides- but now would like to become facilitators. All meals, lodging and training materials will be provided.
Monica Macoubrie
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Wildlife Education Assistant
2200 North 33rd St.
Lincoln, NE 68503
**Please forward and share to anyone that might be interested.
Conservation Education Facilitator Workshop
Join us to learn the ins and outs of being a Project Learning Tree, Project WET, and Project WILD facilitator.
Who Should Apply?
This workshop is for formal and non-formal educators who are already trained in PLT, WET, or WILD. If you have embraced using any of the Projects in your classroom, program, or with your own kids/grandkids you would make an excellent Projects Facilitator! We will teach you the details and process, we just need you to bring your passion for helping educators and children experience excellent environmental education.