VO:Trendwood Park Clean Up Salt Valley Chapter
Mark your calendars for the next meeting on October 12, 2019 at 10:00am at on S. 77Trendwood Park and A streets. We will have a meeting to discuss/elect officers and adopt by-laws. The chapter will spend time with our commitment to do park and stream cleanup at Trendwood Park. If weather permits, the chapter may also volunteer to collect tall spike gayfeather seeds at Sue Kirkpatrick's acreage, or schedule it for another date for that activity. If members would like to add anything else to the agenda or activities, please feel free to email Midge Dublinske at midge.dublinske@gmail.com.
Included in this message is the Chapter By-laws recommendations. See you on Oct. 12.
Midge Dublinske
Certified Nebraska Master Naturalist