VO: Heron Haven 2nd Saturday
You are invited to be a part of Heron Haven’s last 2nd Saturday Program for this year.
Connections to Nature
When: Saturday, November 9th
Time: 10-11:30
Where: Heron Haven Nature Center
What: Share a hobby or talent that connects you to the natural
world. Art, music, outdoor recreation, crafts etc.
How: You will be given a table or area to display or share by doing .
Also Featured: Nature Photographer and Story Teller Alex Wiles ( awilesmedia.com )
Hike included. This is a great time to see migratory birds.
Fair Trade Coffee, Teas, hot chocolate, popcorn and cookies will be served.
Price: Free
Open to : All
PLEASE Call Chris Robie at 678-492-6923 or email
christinerobie8@gmail.com by October 31st to reserve your spot.
Thanks for sharing.