CE: Naive Plant Power: Conservation Nebraska Event
Location: Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center, Info: (402) 797-2301
We are super excited to offer this new salon series of presentations and workshops focusing on the importance of native plants for birds, bugs, and more! The series will be three consecutive Thursday evenings in April - perfect for planting season - to help you not only learn about the plants, but how native plants help bugs, birds, and people! The workshops will be $15/piece or $25 for the series and include beverages & snacks. Series ticket holders will also receive a copy of David Mizejewski's amazing book: ATTRACTING BIRDS, BUTTERFLIES, AND OTHER BACKYARD WILDLIFE!
April 9: Jason "the Birdnerd" will present on PLANTS FOR BIRDS PRO, learning how to garden for birds and more.
April 16: Rae Powers & Katie Lamke, Xerces Society, will share their knowledge on PLANTS FOR BUGS!
April 23: experts from Conservation Nebraska will join us to learn about how to write to advocate for native plant use and wildlife conservation, focusing on editorials, essays, and writing to elected officials.