River City Chapter: Neale Woods Restoration
What: Restoration Biologist Kayla Johnson will talk to the River CIty NMN Chapter about restoration goals and projects at Fontenelle Forest's Neale Woods, including prescribed burns and other land management. Kayla will point out ongoing projects and land management's vision for the future during a hike. Kayla's presentation and hike can count as Continuing Education hours.
Where: Neale Woods, 14323 Edith Marie Ave, Omaha, NE 68112
When: Monday, September 28th, 9:30 AM
I do not (yet) know if our NMN partnership with Fontenelle Forest waives the ~$5 entrance fee for non-members.
Details: Bring your usual gear for a hike. Neal Woods has an extensive trail network of both upland, lowland, forest and prairie terrain. Event will be 1-2 hours. NMN Tisha Johnson, who volunteers at Neale Woods, will be present to supplement the experience after Kayla returns to her other duties.