CE: Science of…Snakes!
Science of…Snakes! Thursday October 22; 3-4pm Central Time
There are more than 3,000 different species of snakes on the planet and they’re found just about everywhere. In Nebraska we have 29 species of snakes, and only four of them are venomous. Throughout this webinar event we will talk about the different types of snakes we have, their special adaptations for their region, the venom that some develop and how they eat, slither, communicate and live their daily lives. Through this virtual event we will have a few live education animals as well!
This event is FREE, but requires pre-registration: https://outdoornebraska.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsc-irqzkuGd0sJmXs2zTYo2L_sc3zXYE1?fbclid=IwAR3VDS4eYf6zQRGWYBzt9lZdrzSSUCjkC9RXp-o71-SIcFBp3LJx9yrBL98
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with more information for the event. Then on the day and time of the event, use this link and the password from your email to join us!
Monica Macoubrie
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Wildlife Outdoor Education Specialist
Nebraska Project WILD State Coordinator
2200 North 33rd St.
Lincoln, NE 68503
Work Cell Phone: 402-580-3294
Office Phone: 402-471-5363