CE: Science of…Hibernation
Hibernation, brumation, aestivation, or denning. Animals may sleep for long periods of time, short periods of time, or they may just have light spells of slowed activity. Either way you spin it, animals are trying to save energy during times of extreme cold, heat, or poor environmental conditions. In this episode of the Science of, we will be exploring what all of these ways of surviving entail along with the process the animal’s body goes through in order to get to this state of energy saving. We will also look at what animals in Nebraska hibernate- you might be surprised it is actually very few! Join us and see!
This event is FREE, but requires pre-registration: https://outdoornebraska.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcsd-GuqzssHdX48E6pkh1hhW3E6BLniA88
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with more information for the event. Then, on the day and time of the event, use this link and the password from your email to join us!
Unable to attend a live event? Each virtual webinar will be recorded and posted to the Nebraska Game and Parks YouTube Education Channel, here you can watch past recording of the Science of as well!
Please contact Monica.macoubrie@nebraska.gov with questions or for more information. You can also check out the events on the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s Facebook Page and the Nebraska Project WILD Facebook page.