Morels, Fungi, and Lichens
Hitchcock Nature Center Event
Join us & celebrated educator Ron Cisar for another session of "A Land Ethic Workshop" on Saturday, May 8th from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m. This program will be held entirely online & is perfect for anyone with an interest in conservation & a desire to develop a better understanding of the natural world outside their own front door.
Our May program participants will enjoy a full morning of instruction & learning, including
Common mushroom, fungi, & lichen identification study
A discussion of fungal structure & adaptations
A look at tern & plover conservation efforts
A reading & discussion of Aldo Leopold's essay "Back from the Argentine"
Each month will also include a look at Mother Nature's Calendar to help familiarize you with natural changes you can look for throughout the year & will finish out in true Leopold tradition, with a song.
Cost for this program is $15.00 per person per individual session, or, participants may register for the entire 10-session season at the discounted price of $75.00. Attendees who register for the full programming series will receive a copy of "A Sand County Almanac" & a blank journal for use during the class. *Participants do not need to attend every session to enjoy this programming series.
This program is intended for participants age 14 & over with an interest in the natural world, no experience or prior knowledge is required to participate. Online pre-registration is required as space is limited. For questions not answered online please call 712-545-3283.