Call of the Wild Tour
Call of the Wild
Near Tecumseh. Address will be provided upon registration.
5:45 am to 10:00 am
Listen to the calls of the wild during a drive or hike while recording bird observations in the Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever Call of the Wild. Species of interest for this weekend are: Upland Game Birds—Greater Prairie Chickens, Sharp-tail Grouse, Northern Bobwhite Quail, Ring-neck Pheasant. These birds are currently in their breeding season where grouse will be gathered lekking (breeding ground hotspots), and male pheasant and quail will be claiming their territory vocally. Private landowner and Nebraska Master Naturalist Dan Leuenberger, extends a special invitation to the public to his man-made lek and restored prairie during the Call of the Wild. Just outside of Tecumseh in Johnson County, participants will meet at 5:45am (early birds see more birds!) to learn more about Dan’s conservation success on his site, listen to the morning whistles of bobwhites, and identify other grassland songbirds that call Dan’s habitat restoration project home. The tour will conclude at 10am. Instructions on how to get to the site will be sent out to registered participants only.
Ages: All Ages
Fee: FREE!!
Is pre-registration required? Yes, May 10th
Contact: Holly Mauslein
Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever of Nebraska