CE: Tree ID for You & Me! MiniWorkshop
Tree ID for You & Me! MiniWorkshop is for educators of children ages preschool through 4th grade, and is occurring June 23rd from 6:30-8:00 PM CST via Zoom. Tree Identification can seem like a daunting task to the novel nature enthusiast or educator, but through this workshop you will gain the skills to ID local trees and teach basic Tree Identification to your students. While this workshop is open to educators of students of all ages, we suggest that early childhood and elementary educators attend. All are welcome! Later in the workshop, we will also identify connections between Tree ID and many of our favorite Project Learning Tree Environmental Education lessons.
Each participant will be given:
• a certificate for 1.5 in-service hours
• basic skills to identify some of the most common Nebraska Trees
• the background knowledge needed to implement these hands-on, heads-on activities in your classroom or program right away
• connections between Tree ID and Project Learning Tree Lessons and Activities