Special 100th Event at Ponca
Enjoy outdoor fun at Ponca State Park
Celebrations for Nebraska's state park centennial are in full swing, and now it's Ponca State Park's turn to celebrate. The park will be hosting a special event, "100 Years of Nebraska State Parks: Honoring Our Past and Celebrating Our Future," Aug. 6-7.
Join us for a jam-packed two days of outdoor fun, featuring food, history, outdoor recreation and park exploration. The schedule includes:
Woodland and history hayrack tours
Sunset guided hike & sunset kayaking
Bird banding, shooting sports, Dutch oven cooking
Fish fry and wine & cheese social
1920s campsite with Buffalo Bill, Teddy Roosevelt and Lewis and Clark reenactors
Oral storytelling/harvest moon campfire session
Historical presentation: "Aprons, Skirts, Hats & Flirts: Women — Their Range of Status During the Western Movement"
Special presentation honoring past Game and Parks employees
And much more!
Come for a little of it, or stay the whole day. Or, flit in and out as you enjoy the rest of what Ponca State Park has to offer, like hiking, fishing, camping and boating. Make a weekend of it and stay overnight in a beautiful mini-lodge, cottage or green cabin.