CE: Conservation Career Chat- Private Lands Biologist
We’ve all heard the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Many times the answer is a doctor, a lawyer, a firefighter, or even an NBA superstar. Well, what about a web designer? Or a conservation officer? Or a fisheries biologist? Many times you don’t hear those careers be mentioned, but they are out there, and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is one of the places that houses all these amazing jobs! So, if you’re interested in learning about new careers join us in our monthly Conservation Career Chat.
Ever wondered what a day in the life of a conservation officer is really like? Or, what field equipment our zoologist uses to track tiger beetles? How about how many miles our public information officers hike to get photos for a NEBRASKAland story? Well, wonder no more! Join us on the third Wednesday of each month at 10am (CST) as we highlight 12 different careers within the Game and Parks realm. These live interviews will be conducted via ZOOM and each month we will focus on a different career within the agency. Here, students and the public will be encouraged to ask questions relating to the career field, during the live interview. Presenters will also be showcasing photos, props and new information on their daily life in their job. There may even be a few live ambassadors joining us…who knows?
Each Conservation Career Chat event is FREE to attend, however, each month will have a different ZOOM link to log on. Can’t attend live? Don’t worry, we have you covered! Each interview will be recorded and placed on our Nebraska Game and Parks Education YouTube Channel for viewing at a later time.