CE: Omaha Chapter Gathering-Macroinvertebrate Sampling
August: As a warm-up Chapter meeting, on August 29th we will have kits for chemical tests of water quality and some dip nets for macroinvertebrate sampling at Walnut Creek Lake in Papillion. This will be hands-on training for those who have not done some of these activities yet. We plan to check the same site again in early October to see if there are any detectable changes as the growing season winds down, and for those who can't make it on such short notice in August. If you learn to do something new, it will count as Continuing Education hours.
What: Chemical and macroinvertebrate testing of water at Walnut Creek Lake, round 1
Date: Sunday, August 29, 2021
When: 2-4(ish) PM
Where: Walnut Creek Recreational Area, Papillion (South of 96th Street and Highway 37, https://www.papillion.org/facilities/facility/details/walnutcreekrecreationarea-14)
Details: Gathering location/directions will follow in the reminder announcement a week before the meeting. It'll be advisable to RSVP to Judy so we know to look for you before we wander off to any sampling sites. You'll need to bring your own drinking water and be ready for time in the sun, even if we do manage to snag a table or two in one of the picnic shelters. Water sampling can mean getting wet feet, too. We'll be outside, so currently masks are optional (masks do help keep mosquitoes at bay).